Cycle Syncing

Cycle Syncing Entrepreneurship For a More Aligned Life

I'm Emily!

Our mission at Aphrodite is to pull women out of the darkness of infertility and to get them to the family they've always wanted. We are totally into educating our patients so that they can make the most informed decisions about their reproductive health.

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Hustle Hustle Hustle. Push through. Stay productive. Grind until we make it. Rinse and repeat. These phrases build the masculine matrix of entrepreneurship women have stepped into over the last 60 years. But if you’re a female entrepreneur and suffering from chronic worry and anxiety, can’t seem to stay grounded or catch a good night’s sleep, or feel like you’re faking your success, it’s time to return to the feminine and start cycle syncing entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship has, until recently been dominated by the masculine model of competition and scarcity. The traditional, masculine way of doing business is built on a straight line—work hard, stay focused, no rest, no excuses. It’s like running a marathon without ever taking a break. And it’s driving many of us female entrepreneurs to burnout. Why? Because women aren’t chemically wired that way. We’re cyclical beings with natural rhythms that impact our energy, creativity, and focus.

And let me tell you a little secret. Come closer, my friend. Your cyclical nature is not a disadvantage. The very definition of entrepreneur is to create things that do not exist -and how much more feminine is that, at its most basic life purpose level. In fact, if you build your businesses around the way we’re actually designed, you have the power to tap vast wells of productivity and creation, while living a grounded and abundant life.

The Problem with the Hustle Mentality

Hustle culture is exhausting. It’s based on a linear model that assumes your energy outputs are the same all day, every day. But if you’re a woman, I don’t have to tell you that that doesn’t quite fit to reality. Some days you’re a creative powerhouse, and others you can barely drag yourself to your laptop. This isn’t a flaw; it’s how your body and it’s chemical signals, naturally function.

The problem? We’re taught to ignore these natural rhythms. Instead of leaning into the ebb and flow of our energy, we’re expected to grind through, even when our bodies are screaming for rest. And that leads to overwhelm, frustration, and burnout.

Understanding the Phases of Your Cycle

Here’s where things get really interesting. Your menstrual cycle isn’t just about fertility—it’s a roadmap for how to optimize your life and business. Each phase of your cycle brings different strengths, and when you start working with those strengths instead of against them, everything changes.

Menstrual Phase (Inner Winter): This is your time for rest and reflection. Your energy is lower, and that’s okay. The creativity that comes from introspection is powerful. Use this phase to:

  • Recharge and evaluate your business strategies
  • Journal, meditate
  • Take a day off

Follicular Phase (Inner Spring): Your energy is back! This is the perfect time to plan, brainstorm, and dive into new projects. Think plant the seed, so the flower can bloom. Use this phase to:

  • Strategize
  • Set goals
  • Start building products and new offers
  • Take on tasks that require focus and concentration

Ovulatory Phase (Inner Summer): You’re at your peak here—confident, communicative, and full of energy. You’re magnetic during this time—use it to your advantage. This is the time to:

  • Launch products and new offers
  • Pitch ideas
  • Schedule meetings, make sales calls
  • Give presentations
  • Network

Luteal Phase (Inner Autumn): This is your time to wrap things up. You’re more detail-oriented and focused, making it the ideal time to:

  • Complete projects,
  • Review progress
  • Organize.
  • It’s also a time for reflection—what worked? What didn’t? Use this phase to refine and prepare for your next cycle.

Breaking Free from the 24/7 Grind

I know what you’re thinking: “This sounds great, but how do I make it work in real life?” Start by looking at your calendar and aligning big tasks with the phases of your cycle. For us it looks like this:

Here are real, tangible business tasks that align with each phase of the menstrual cycle to help women entrepreneurs optimize their workflow and productivity:

Menstrual Phase (Inner Winter): Rest, Reflect, and Recharge

Energy is low during this phase, so it’s the ideal time to step back, reflect, and plan.

Business tasks:

  • Strategic planning: Review your overall business goals, assess progress, and think about the big picture.
  • Journaling and reflection: Use this time for business introspection—what’s working? What’s not? Jot down insights or new ideas.
  • Creative brainstorming: While energy is low, creativity often thrives here. Think about potential new products, services, or marketing angles.
  • Delegate or automate: If possible, hand off more intensive tasks to your team or rely on automation.
  • Evaluate systems: Assess and refine business systems or tools to ensure smooth operations going forward.

Follicular Phase (Inner Spring): Plan, Start New Projects, and Create

This is your high-energy phase, perfect for getting things moving and strategizing.

Business tasks:

  • Project planning and launching: Kick off new projects or initiatives. Break down big goals into actionable steps.
  • Content creation: Write blog posts, film videos, or draft emails. Your creativity and focus are high, making this phase ideal for producing new content.
  • Marketing strategies: Develop your marketing campaigns, create social media content calendars, and schedule posts.
  • Research and development: Dive into new ideas or trends that could benefit your business, and explore innovations you might want to implement.
  • Networking and collaborations: Reach out to potential partners or industry contacts to start building connections.

Ovulatory Phase (Inner Summer) Pitch, Present, and Collaborate

You’re at your most communicative, confident, and magnetic during this phase, so it’s the time to engage with others.

Business tasks:

  • Presentations and pitching: Schedule important client meetings, presentations, or pitches. Your communication skills are at their peak.
  • Networking and events: Attend networking events, conferences, or virtual meetups. Connect with new potential collaborators or clients.
  • Sales calls and negotiations: It’s a great time for sales, negotiation, and closing deals, as your confidence and charisma are naturally higher.
  • Team meetings and leadership: Lead team meetings, check-ins, and discussions. Inspire your team and rally them toward your business vision.
  • Customer-facing tasks: Record videos, go live on social media, or engage with your audience directly, ask for reviews. This is your time to shine publicly.

For example, schedule creative work like content creation or brainstorming during your follicular phase when your energy is high. Plan your meetings and collaborations during ovulation when you’re naturally more communicative. And don’t be afraid to take it easy during your menstrual phase—it’s a time for rest and recalibration, not pushing through.

Communicate this approach with your clients, team, or collaborators. This isn’t about being unprofessional; it’s about working smarter, not harder. Time blocking based on your energy levels will not only make you more productive but also help you avoid burnout.

Luteal Phase (Inner Autumn): Complete, Organize, and Refine

This phase is all about wrapping things up, detail work, and reviewing progress.

Business tasks:

  • Finishing projects: Focus on completing tasks or projects you started earlier in the cycle. Tie up loose ends and get things done.
  • Detail-oriented work: Review contracts, finalize budgets, proofread documents, and organize your business records. Your attention to detail is sharp here.
  • Organizing and systematizing: Tidy up your workspace, file paperwork, or restructure business systems for efficiency.
  • Website or branding updates: Tackle tasks like updating your website copy, improving your branding, or optimizing user experience.
  • Performance reviews: Evaluate the success of recent campaigns or launches and make adjustments based on what’s working or what needs improvement.

Mindset Shifts for Sustainable Success

Here’s the most important part: shifting your mindset. For far too long, we’ve been told that we need to hustle and grind like men to be successful. The Feminine is not rushed. Better to do 3 things of quality than 10 things with a time scarcity mindset. The feminine is relaxed and open. She is rooted in community and abundance. She is grounded to her worth, never seeking validation. Success doesn’t have to look like constant productivity. It can look like balance. It can look like flow and rhythm. Let it be. Let it easy. Let it be fun.

Thrive By Cycle Syncing Entrepreneurship

It’s time to create a new paradigm for women in business. One where we thrive by honoring our natural rhythms, not fighting against them.By embracing your cycle and working with your body, you’re not just improving your business—you’re reclaiming your power. Your menstrual cycle is your superpower.

Break free from the hustle and redefine success on your own terms. Start listening to your body. Start trusting your cycle. The results will speak for themselves.

Join us at Aphrodite for one of our Cycle Syncing events to learn more.

I leave you with a poem by Donna Ashworth:

It must have been a terrifying sight to behold,
a group of witches gathered by firelight,
chanting, conjuring spirits, creating spells…

No wonder some were afraid.

But I think it was just women.

Being women.

Coming together, as they very much must,
to support one another,
to share their battles and pull each other
through the flames
they faced daily.

Sharing remedies, medicines
and ways to heal.

And believing they were so much more than told,
than allowed.

It is little wonder that the power of this union would appear like magic, to the unknowing eye.

But I think it was just women.

Doing what we do,

every day.

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Hi, We're
Ghoncheh & Emily!

And we make up the team at Aphrodite Fertility Acupuncture, here in San Diego, California.

We're here to be your number one cheerleaders, your expert ttc advocates, your mystical acupuncturist gurus, and your sarcastic besties that make you laugh even in the heaviest of times.

We wear all the hats so you don't have to. Pile it on. We're here to carry the load. 

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