If you’ve been on your fertility journey for a long time, it can be really common to feel constantly disappointed and frustrated with your body cycle after cycle of not getting pregnant.
You may start to feel like your body is a failure, is “out to get you”, or needs to be micromanaged every step of the way.
We want to remind you that this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, your body is trying extremely hard to take care of you, keep you well, and yes – try to get you pregnant!
Over time when these feelings of fear and anxiety continue unchecked, the body starts to settle into a state of fight or flight, which, in turn, affects every system in the body by downregulating the reproductive and endocrine systems. Fight or flight is a survival state, so the body will behave in a way to prioritize survival over reproduction – leading to the opposite effect you desire.
When things feel especially difficult, you can consider this special practice to shift out of the fear-anxiety spiral: speak in mantras throughout the day- “I trust you, body,” “My body is resilient,” “this is f*ing hard but I will get through this,” “I will find an answer.” This will signal safety, steadiness and groundedness, which in turn facilitates more optimal hormonal signaling.
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