Fertility Acupuncture San Diego

Fertility Acupuncturist, Emily Marson: Beyond the Bio

I'm Emily!

Our mission at Aphrodite is to pull women out of the darkness of infertility and to get them to the family they've always wanted. We are totally into educating our patients so that they can make the most informed decisions about their reproductive health.

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Hello, Hi Again, I’m Emily, fertility acupuncturist and Founder of Aphrodite, and lover of a good earring and a punchy lipstick to distract away from a bad hair day. 

More about me:

I’m juuuuuust awkwardly tall enough for people to ask if I ever played basketball pretty much daily (and yes, yes I did).  And I’m a total Karen when it comes to Fall – you can find me at Starbucks at the whiff of a PSL (guilty). 

My husband and I met on the app Coffee Meets Bagel, where he sent a picture of himself next to a bonsai plant, captioned, “don’t worry, I’m taller than trees.”  And we now have two boys, Orion (4) and Archer (2), who like to bounce off the walls, and each other.

My absolute favorite places…

…in the world are Kennebunkport, Maine and Charleston, South Carolina. You know those places where you feel like you can breathe in peace and breathe out awe? Those are it for me. 

And lastly, I’m weirdly good at carving pumpkins.

That’s pretty much it though when it comes to being good at art. Pumpkin is my medium. (Maybe I was a sculptor in my past life?)

Oh! and shout out to our life coach Eric – Who is an absolute genius and has revolutionized how my husband and I think and feel about emotions, mindset and relationships of all kinds. It’s pretty hard to articulate what he does – but if you feel like you’re stuck in old emotional patterns and want to be the most grounded and at piece you’ve ever felt, Eric is it. 

Another 10 out of 10 recommend.

I’d love to get to know you more too! Drop a comment and give me a shout about where you’re from and how you found us. And know that if you found us in the search for help in your fertility journey, we’ve helped 1,000 women and are on a mission to help 1 million more. Let us help you. Virtual Fertility Coaching now available or if you’re local to San Diego be sure to set up your initial consultation with incredible fertility acupuncturist Chloé Banalas, senior fertility acupuncturist, Ghoncheh Ayazi or myself, here.

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Hi, We're
Ghoncheh & Emily!

And we make up the team at Aphrodite Fertility Acupuncture, here in San Diego, California.

We're here to be your number one cheerleaders, your expert ttc advocates, your mystical acupuncturist gurus, and your sarcastic besties that make you laugh even in the heaviest of times.

We wear all the hats so you don't have to. Pile it on. We're here to carry the load. 

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