Looking for alignment? Yasss chef, who isn’t? Human Design is it, baby. This system, founded by Ra Uru Hu in 1987, is a blend of ancient systems with modern science, combining astrology, the Chinese I-Ching, Kabbalah, and quantum physics in order to help map out the blueprint of who we really are and how we’re meant to live. And we know who the best of the best Human Design reader in San Diego.
Curious? Start by downloading your Human Design Chart, which is calculated using your birth date, time, and location. Based on complex systems linked to the exact moment you were born, the chart reveals key details about how your energy works and how you interact with the world (and vice versa).
When you look at your Human Design chart, it can feel like a lot at first, but don’t worry – we’ve got you.
Here’s a beginners guide to Human Design:
- Your Energy Type: The way your energy flows through life. It tells you how you best use your energy and what keeps you feeling vibrant.
- Your Strategy: This shows how to move through life with the least resistance, making things happen in the most effortless way.
- Your Not-Self Theme: This is the feeling that shows up when you’re out of alignment with your true self. It’s like a signal, letting you know when you’re being influenced by outside pressures or trying to be something you’re not.
- Your Authority: This is your inner decision-maker. It guides you to always align with the choices that feel right for you.
- Your Profile: This is your personality—how you naturally show up in the world and interact with others. The first number is your conscious personality and the second number is your unconscious personality.
If your chart feels overwhelming, start by focusing on your “big three”: Energy Type, Profile, and Authority. These key elements will give you a strong foundation for understanding your true self.
Here’s a little bit more on the main Archetypes: Your HD Energy Type:
Manifestors: The leaders, inspirers, and initiators. They make up about 9% of the population and are known for bringing new ideas to life and inspiring others to take action. (Emily is a Mani)
Generators (and Manifesting Generators): The action-takers of the collective. They make up around 70% of the population and are known for their ability to build, create, and respond to what excites them. (Ghoncheh is a Mani Gen, and Chloé is a Gen)
Projectors: The guides, managers, and system magicians. They make up about 26% of the population and are known for their ability to deeply understand situations and provide insightful guidance, helping others shift toward positive change.
Reflectors: The mirrors of the community. They comprise about 1% of the population and are known for their ability to offer profound insights by reflecting the energy and dynamics of those around them, providing valuable perspectives on their environment.
Human Design Readings in San Diego
Recently the Aphrodite team had the privilege of experiencing a group Human Design reading with Ilona, another insightful HD reader. Ilona walked us through our Human Design charts as they relate to each other as a team, revealing insights that deepened our understanding of how we work together.
We could write on this all day! But to dive deeper into these concepts in a supportive environment, join us for our next event: Harmony with Human Design on November 6th at 6 PM at Aphrodite. This is the second event in our Women & Wellness Wednesdays collaboration series, and Chloé, who is trained in Human Design Readings, will be speaking about the power of self-care and energy management practices tailored to your unique Human Design. (Plus, we’ll have a Higher Dose infrared sauna blanket giveaway valued at $699!- Dannnnnnng!) See you there.
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