
The Body Goes Where The Mind Flows

I'm Emily!

Our mission at Aphrodite is to pull women out of the darkness of infertility and to get them to the family they've always wanted. We are totally into educating our patients so that they can make the most informed decisions about their reproductive health.

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The Body Goes Where The Mind Flows

Methods To De-Stress During Your Fertility Journey

Let’s be honest: facing fertility issues when for most of your life you’ve been avoiding pregnancy can seem cruel and overwhelming. And all that frustration doesn’t do the body good. Studies have shown that women who are more stressed have reduced fertility rates and lower embryo implantation rates. Stress doesn’t escape men either and has shown to affect semen quality as well.

Its imperative to think of your mind as the Buddha of Baby Making. If your Buddha mind is tense and obsessive, your muscles subconsciously contract and interrupt the flow of Qi, blood and hormones to your Uterus. A settled mind relaxes the body’s fight or flight response and allows the natural processes to proceed with fluidity.

However, we understand that keeping yourself settled is easier said then done. Thats why our remedy is threefold:

1. Weekly Acupuncture
2. Morning Movement
3. 10 Minute Meditation

Acupuncture’s ability to raise endorphin levels and reduce adrenalin and cortisol levels makes it a go-to therapy for stress reduction, sleep improvement and developing an overall greater sense of ease.

Acupuncture is a healing medicinal art dating back two thousand years. It is used worldwide as a safe and effective way to treat a multitude of conditions. Gynecology, specifically, first became a distinct discipline of Chinese Medicine in the imperial court of the Song dynasty, 700 years ago.

A session involves the insertion of tiny needles into points along the body to alter the stress response and improve the physiological function of each organ system and, thus, the body as a whole.

In regards to sleep, acupuncture has a proven track record of establishing sound patterns. The quality and quantity of your sleep influences not only your stamina, but also more minute biological processes like ovulation, sex hormone regulation, sperm production, immune response, metabolism, and stress levels. For these reasons, getting acupuncture to improve your sleep quality is essential when prepping your body for conception.

Your acupuncturist will also prescribe 4 individualized herbal formulas, one for each week of your cycle. Herbal formulas are vital to fertility success. If you aren’t taking herbal formulas throughout your cycle, you are missing a huge piece of the fertility success story. I dedicate a full article on acupuncture and herbs in a later post.

Morning Movement:
I think we all can attest to greater energy and a sense of accomplishment when we start our day with a little exercise. That doesn’t mean you need to go run a marathon before breakfast. In fact over-exercising can lead to even more physical stress or injury. We suggest instead trying 15 minutes of gentile exercise right when you get out of bed that incorporates some sort of breath-work. Yoga is great, or a brisk walk around the block is good too. We particularly like Qi Gong from Jake Mace with Phoenix Longevity Arts on YouTube. Its 10 minutes- give it a try and tell us what you think. Do you feel lighter afterwards? Do you have a greater sense of calm?https://www.youtube.com/embed/3HMLtN7BOlY?autoplay=0&mute=0&controls=1&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aphroditefertility.com&playsinline=1&showinfo=0&rel=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&enablejsapi=1&widgetid=510 Minute Meditation:
Meditation is an active training of the mind to cultivate awareness and compassion. All it takes is 10 minutes a day to, what we like to say, organize and simplify the clutter of the mind. It offers tranquility in our overly busy day.

We LOVE LOVE LOVE the using the 10 minute mediation app HeadSpace. Its simple and easy to do in the car, at work or riding the subway. Check out the app here or find it in the App store.

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