Fertility Coach

What To Do After an Unsuccessful IVF Cycle

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Our mission at Aphrodite is to pull women out of the darkness of infertility and to get them to the family they've always wanted. We are totally into educating our patients so that they can make the most informed decisions about their reproductive health.

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Have you had an unsuccessful IVF stim cycle and are wondering what to do differently next time? Are you considered a “poor responder”? We’re the TTC experts who know what to do next.

Ask Your Doctor about Priming Protocols

Priming is when there is medication used in the cycle before the stim cycle.

Types of Priming

  • Estrogen priming is a protocol used during IVF to facilitate a more gradual and coordinated growth of follicles in the ovary in women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). This helps to improve the outcome of the IVF cycle in patients who respond poorly to traditional IVF protocols
  • Testosterone priming: The use of testosterone gel improved the quality and number of oocytes as well as the number and quality of embryos and consequently the fertility rate.
  • Long Lupron: Long Lupron protocol involves taking birth control pills, followed by taking Lupron for one week at which time the pills are stopped and Lupron continued until the FSH injections start. Lupron is then used in conjunction with FSH injections until the HCG trigger shot. This is usually used to suppress early ovulation in DOR patients.

Consider Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma is gaining attention as a cutting-edge therapy in fertility treatments, especially for women undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). For women with diminished ovarian reserve, PRP may offer a promising alternative to traditional IVF methods. It’s a natural, minimally invasive procedure that aligns well with women seeking integrative or regenerative solutions in their fertility journey.

However, while the use of PRP in IVF is becoming more popular, it’s still considered experimental. Further research is needed to confirm its effectiveness across a broader population. For women seeking additional support in their IVF cycles, PRP presents an exciting, innovative option that taps into the body’s own healing capabilities, potentially boosting their chances of success.

Talk With Your Doctor about Omnitrope

Omnitrope, a form of recombinant human growth hormone (rHGH), is increasingly being used in fertility treatments, particularly for women who have experienced failed ovarian stimulation in previous IVF cycles.

Omnitrop is thought to enhance the ovarian response by promoting follicular development and improving the overall quality of eggs, making it a valuable option for women with poor ovarian reserve or diminished egg quality.

In cases of failed stimulation, where traditional IVF protocols do not yield the desired number of viable eggs, adding Omnitrop to the treatment plan can help to optimize outcomes.

Studies suggest that Omnitrop can increase the number of mature eggs retrieved, improve embryo quality, and potentially lead to higher implantation and pregnancy rates.

For women over 35 or those with a history of poor ovarian response, Omnitrop offers a targeted approach to boost the chances of IVF success. While more research is needed to fully understand its long-term benefits, many fertility specialists are now incorporating Omnitrop into their protocols for women with a history of failed stim cycles.

If you’re looking for more guidance, schedule your fist Fertility Coaching Virtual call with us. You don’t have to walk this journey alone.

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